Monday, July 31, 2006

Burger momentum

Need to get away and lose some perspective.

A time machine that transports us to right now.

You're welcome to come to dinner with us.

Those little earrings...

Eternity is a temporary concept.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Blame the cable company,
But also praise the cable company.

The new disconnectivity.

Smells like farmer's market.

Battle of the ice cream bells and rock and roll.

My new cliche:
That's pepper through the grinder.

But I really would like to buy the world a Coke.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Hey there young sport

All these philosophies cancel each other out. Or in.

A song to protest protest songs.

That ending was a cop out.

Friday, July 21, 2006

What's the big idea?

Don't spit that back!

Business, lady.

Aspire to amateur.

(I thought those were extinct.)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The English Muffin truck

I love that she made fun of me for that.

Turf has its own beauty--
Check out the pick-up soccer games in Sara D Roosevelt park between Broome and Grand.

Now that's the Harley I'd ride if I rode a Harley.

(I said she could Hoyt my Schermerhorn any day.)

Monday, July 17, 2006

You should go

With this in mind.

The Lyric Diner

(I'd like to post a menu in her window.)

That is some sexy gray hair.

I have those shoes!

The comfort of an old church gym-

(There are plenty of men in shirtsleeves leaning out of windows, but they're not necessarily lonely.)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I was talking to the fries

Gentlemen of the evening-

No bad clam jokes.

Let's run off to small town USA.

Deep breaths might work,
but they'll have to be pretty deep.

(Just some basic lesson I never picked up.)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Helicopters for peace

More essays on the eroticization of childhood.

Downloading old Loudness.
(Thunder in the East)

These storms aren't symbolic.

(I wouldn't mind icing her coffee.)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Temporary fencing

That accent will kill us all!

Beauty needs distance.

(I'd like to picnic on her Great Lawn.)

Friday, July 07, 2006

Forgetting the setting

Those daytime moons...

Keep me downdated.

Salad compliment: "Nice toss."

Everything must glow!

Are you sure about that dog?

(My two favorite spots in the park are: here, here, and here.)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Countless essences

Even when I know it isn't her...

The long legs of the law.

The decline of the internet: e-rosion

(Where did that building come from?)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I was reading immortal poems on the beach

The right to pursue interpretations of the pursuit of happiness.

The mournful joy of listening to The Replacements while driving.

Whether it's relevant or not is irrelevant.