Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Unpreparedness kit

There are still catchy logos to be created.

Wave that bug away.
But also wave it hello.

You can take this half-way to the bank.

Friday, December 22, 2006

The Disposable Cups

A "party" philosophy.

Tablecloth inventions.

Holding things with your teeth.

Now with more lost episodes!

Christmas is a big thing in her family.

I'd be lying if I said...

(Who am I kidding?
Seriously, who?)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Mystery breeze

A lot to read
(But not in books)

Maybe you shouldn't be all you can be.

Our guile sucks.

It's not for everyone.

(Where were we?)

(A story of almost)

(I'd like to get back there)

(Think outside the parentheses)

(Is that even a saying?)

(I didn't think he'd actually follow-up)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

International signs

The Over Its

Playoff Hopes

The Stock Photos

We had a Fun Factory?

This works better outside.

(A slow views day.)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Legible sweats

She's good at applying old phrases to new things.

Pigtail savior.

My favorite shape.

The connotations of "fellowship."

Band: The Terrible Mothers

Don't drink much, but I sure would like a photo of that liquor store.

They still smoke here.

(I told me so.)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Glugosphere

That's a nice-looking pitcher of lemon wedges.

Should we really be listening to The Cars in this weather?

Depends on where you want music to take you.

The Banana Peel Girls.

They got there first.

The As Usuals

Typewriter on the sidewalk.

(Writer-type on the sidewalk.)

(I think I like this place better in the AM and early afternoon.)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Folk song law

Follow the laundry lines.

All we knew was what we could see from the road.

Real trees that look fake.

The Renditions.

It's against my religion.

(She blew me all out of proportion.)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Pills I've swallowed

The chill I get when people tell me they're "taking my advice."

What did I say?

Can we stop at a humble deli?

Stop denying yourself flavor.

I'd like to import her lager.

Band: Touch My Face With Interest

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

It would've been fun

Why doesn't he just write a memoir or screenplay?

They're still cranking out box sets?

So Coca-Cola owns summer and Xmas now.

Don't worry about it.

Keep flipping.

(I'd like to find that salesman and thank him.)

Monday, December 04, 2006

But healthy

Check the corners.

This wasn't always history.

Polaroids on the wall.

How is she?

Maybe I overreacted.

That's what hatracks are for!

These people never drank a Mountain Dew in their lives.

An intrigue I want no part of.

One game of Galaga before we go-

Friday, December 01, 2006

Parisian trinkets

That's us running.

Yer Darn Rights.

Nice wall.

(I'd like to press her pennies.)